It is with great pleasure to welcome you to the School of Engineering and Technology. The school endeavors to fulfill its mission of providing scholarly engineering education through quality training, research, consultancy and innovation, and community service for industrial and socio-economic transformation of our communities.
Our core functions entail teaching and training, conducting laboratory and workshops work. The school offers highly qualified faculty staff, modern laboratories and workshops.
The school is served by competent and qualified dedicated staff for the school’s teaching, laboratory and workshop work.
The School offers six degree programmes namely:
B.Sc (Electrical and Electronic Engineering),
B.Sc (Telecommunication and Information Technology),
B.Sc (Mechanical Engineering),
B.Sc (Civil Engineering),
B.Sc (Cloud Computing and Information Security),
B.Sc (Computer Science) &
B.Sc (Information Communication Technology).
The school also offers the following Diploma programmes:
Diploma in Electrical and Electronic engineering power and Telecommunication options),
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (production and motor vehicle options),
Diploma in Civil Engineering,
Diploma in Building Construction Technology &
Diploma in Information Technology.
There are two certificate programmes offered which include Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Certificate in Building Construction Technology.
The School endeavors to constantly review its academic programmes in the curriculum so as to be in line with the changing trends and in the disciplines to be in tandem with the aspiration of the Kenyan people especially towards achieving vision 2030 “…to provide high quality life for all its citizen by the year 2030.’’
Eng. (Dr) Charles Mwaniki, Ph.D