Duncan Kilungu, Chair
Department of Electrical Engineering
Welcome to the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. It is my honor to lead a department with a robust history of diversity and a passion for innovation. At Machakos university EEE department, we cultivate innovation and inspire through high-impact research.

We educate and develop tomorrow’s leaders to help solve the world’s biggest challenges. We are committed to broadening the participation of a diverse set of faculty and researchers. Our diversity in backgrounds, expertise, collaboration and education styles enriches and strengthens as we form new alliances for mutual success. I hope that you will explore our programs and the research interests of the department. We are always interested in new opportunities for collaboration. If you have questions or would like to explore a specific interest, please feel free to contact us.
Contact us: admin.engineering@mksu.ac.ke or dean.engineering@mksu.ac.ke